Dom goes to Tokyo to bring back Han’s body so Han could have a proper funeral. While he’s there, he finds out that Han had a protégé named Sean and decides to race him, bringing the series full circle to his cameo from Tokyo Drift. Dom then uses the Road Runner in a drift race against Sean. The Road Runner is then seen as Dom is sitting on the hood whilst talking to Sean about Han.
Another Road Runner is driven by Dom in Los Angeles (not the same one he raced against Sean in Tokyo) which he uses to drive to meet Letty at her grave site and attempted to destroyed her tombstone with a sledgehammer. He later drives it to Han’s funeral. When Dom spots a Maserati at Han’s funeral, he realizes that the driver is Deckard Shaw, and chases him in the Road Runner. They both end up playing a game of chicken; however, none of them move out of the way at the last second and both cars are damaged severely upon impact.
COPIED FROM Plymouth Road Runner | The Fast and the Furious Wiki | Fandom